
I know it’s been a while since I posted something, I guess it was just getting difficult to find time to post something after completing a sensor before bed. My most recent project has been building my own weather station. This sort of came from the greenhouse automation project. Once I was able to measure humidity, that was it; I wanted to measure everything else about the weather that I could.

In building this, I feel I learned a lot about some other aspects of the raspberry pi, coding and some other sensors (reed switches specifically). In some places, I kind of took the easy route and took something someone else made and re-wired it to work for me, (rain gauge & wind direction pointer) but this still involved a lot of innovation on the coding side to use it. I plan to write other posts detailing the building of the other sensors; just plan to space them out some as some of them are pretty involved. I think eventually I might make a wireless self-contained version (wifi, batteries, & solar power), but that’ll be a while 😉

Oh…..forgot to mention the first time I published it…..you can see the current weather at my house by clicking on the “Current Weather” page on my blog…